Inside NWO-I december 2023 NL
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Newsletter for NWO-I employees
Start part 2 Awareness campaign: knowledge security and protection of personal data
Basic knowledge is important for each NWO-I employee
Part 2 of the awareness campaign is live. All NWO-I employees have received an invitation to complete two e-learning modules about knowledge security and privacy. NWO-I possesses important knowledge and technology that employees must handle with care. The same applies to personal data: what do you share and with whom? All of this is explained in the modules. NWO-I hopes that everybody will take the time to complete these two new modules - and the previous three about phishing, passwords and handling information.
CWI-highlight: 35 years ago, the Netherlands became the first European country to join the public internet
Photo: Steven Pemberton in 1988. Credits: CWI
On 17 November 2023, it was precisely 35 years ago that the Netherlands became the first European country with a connection to the open internet. This took place at the NWO Institute CWI (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica) in Amsterdam. On that day in 1988, CWI system manager Piet Beertema received an email that the CWI officially had access to an academic computer network that was part of the internet. Via the brand new connection, Steven Pemberton logged in from CWI to an American computer, unaware of the fact that he and his colleagues who had set up the connection were making history.
Overview of NWO funding instruments for young researchers
As a researcher at an NWO Institute, you can apply for one of the many funding instruments from the financer of research in the Netherlands: the Dutch Research Council (NWO). NWO focuses on boosting innovative research and facilitating career progression at research institutes. Inside NWO-I briefly explains the funding possibilities for PhDs and recent PhD graduates at its institutes.
AMOLF-highlight: spray test based on solar cell technology demonstrates the presence of lead
Researchers from NWO Institute AMOLF have used the special properties of perovskite semiconductors to develop a simple spray test - 1000 times more sensitive than existing tests - to demonstrate the presence of lead. Perovskite is a material suitable for use in LEDs and solar cells, for example. A lead-containing surface shines bright green when it is sprayed with the test. There is a considerable health risk associated with exposure to lead. A simple test to demonstrate the presence of lead could help to reduce such exposure.
News from the works councils
What do you think about work pressure or safety at work? It is still possible to share your opinion about subjects related to your work in the employee satisfaction survey until 18 December. The Group Works Council of NWO-I (GOR NWO-I) really values this survey because the outcomes will be translated into a plan for improvements. The GOR NWO-I will provide input for this plan. Furthermore, GOR NWO-I will also be kept informed about the progress in the trajectory “Development Operations” (of the functional NWO-I domains). The Central Works Council of NWO (COR NWO) advised about establishing the Dutch Climate Research Initiative (KIN) and is now ready for interim negotiations about several subjects in the Implementation Regulations.
NWO-I wishes you a festive season full of joy, love and belonging, regardless of ethnicity, faith or life path. Let us strive for a world in which everybody feels valued and we share and celebrate the diversity that renders us so unique. Season’s greetings and a healthy 2024!
NWO-I, the Institutes Organisation of NWO, is an independent foundation belonging to NWO. The following nine institutes are part of NWO-I: AMOLF, ARCNL, ASTRON, CWI, DIFFER, Nikhef, NIOZ, NSCR and SRON. The workgroups in which physics research takes place at Dutch universities and knowledge institutes are also part of NWO-I.